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Confidus Solutions

Aquila & Co

If you are looking for a bank account opening in Switzerland then please click here.

Aquila & Co basic information.

Bank Profile Data
Local Bank NameAquila & Co. (A&Co)
Country of incorporationSwitzerland
Legal AddressBahnhofstrasse 28a/Paradeplatz, 8001, Zurich

Indicative information on Aquila & Co, covering business information:

Financial and Legal Data
Reg. No.CHE-109.023.479
VAT number
Asset CurrencyCHF
No. of Shares

Open a Bank Account at Aquila & Co

Corporate Account Private Account Merchant Account Savings Account Trading Account Escrow Account

Upon request of account opening procedure

We proceed to confirm details of registrant with Aquila & Co and report back to you in a timely manner. After this step has concluded, we may proceed on a meeting (virtual meeting is possible) to draft an agreement.

Please note, Confidus Solutions is only a banking agent and has no impact on a decision making process whatsoever. Therefore, in case of a refusal, we hold no liability and reserve right to offer another solution.

Company formation in Switzerland

A new company formation in Switzerland in conjunction with Swiss bank account is a package advised by Confidus Solutions. A team of highly skilled business administrators and laywers, Confidus Solutions offers the ability to register a new corporate entity in over twenty jurisdictions, making it easy for you to start a business or expand abroad.