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Confidus Solutions

Bank Severny Morskoy Put

If you are looking for a bank account opening in Russia then please click here.

Bank Severny Morskoy Put basic information.

Bank Profile Data
Local Bank NameБанк Северный морской путь (SMP)
Country of incorporationRussia
Legal Address115035, g. Moskva, ul. Sadovnicheskaya, d. 71, str. 11
Established11 April 2001

Indicative information on Bank Severny Morskoy Put, covering business information:

Financial and Legal Data
Reg. No.1097711000078
VAT number
Asset CurrencyRUB
No. of Shares

Open a Bank Account at Bank Severny Morskoy Put

Corporate Account Private Account Merchant Account Savings Account Trading Account Escrow Account

Upon request of account opening procedure

We proceed to confirm details of registrant with Bank Severny Morskoy Put and report back to you in a timely manner. After this step has concluded, we may proceed on a meeting (virtual meeting is possible) to draft an agreement.

Please note, Confidus Solutions is only a banking agent and has no impact on a decision making process whatsoever. Therefore, in case of a refusal, we hold no liability and reserve right to offer another solution.

Company formation in Russia

A new company formation in Russia in conjunction with Russian bank account is a package advised by Confidus Solutions. A team of highly skilled business administrators and laywers, Confidus Solutions offers the ability to register a new corporate entity in over twenty jurisdictions, making it easy for you to start a business or expand abroad.