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The ISO code of Djibouti is DJ according to the ISO 3166 standard. The local name of the country is the same as its English name. Djibouti capital city is Djibouti. People in Djibouti speak the French, and Arabic languages. On 27 June 1977, Djibouti emerged as a sovereign political entity. In the year 06/27/1977, Djibouti emerged as a sovereign political entity. The largest city in Djibouti is Djibouti.
Djibouti is located in the UTC +03:00 time zone, which is also called Eastern Africa Time or EAT. The internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Djibouti is .dj. The International dialing code for Djibouti is 253. People in Djibouti drive on the right side of the road. Total land area of Djibouti is 23,200 km² (approx. 8,958 mi²). Djibouti is not a landlocked country. It means that is is bordered by at least one major body of water.
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Djibouti is located in Africa. Djibouti is considered to be a developing nation. The developmental stage of a nation is determined by a number of factors including, but not limited to, economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life.
Currently Djibouti faces various issues, including inadequate supplies of potable water, limited arable land, desertification, endangered species.
Doing business in Djibouti
We offer various corporate services in Djibouti jurisdiction. These services can serve both, people coming from Djibouti and foreigners. If you plan on doing business in Djibouti you might be interested in contacting us.
To find out about starting your business in Djibouti click on company formation in Djibouti.
To find out how to open a bank account in Djibouti and moreover what type of account Confidus Solutions suggests to create, please click on bank account in Djibouti.
Choose preferred service below or continue reading to find out more about Djibouti.
Demographics of Djibouti
The total population of Djibouti is 971,408 people. In Djibouti, the population density is 38 people per square kilometer (99 per square mile). Because of this statistic, this country is considered to be sparsely populated. The ethnic diversity is very diverse according to a fractionalization scale which for Djibouti is 0.7962. Djibouti has approximately 123537 foreign immigrants. The median age is approximately 22.8 years. In Djibouti, 8.27 in every 100 people use internet. Djibouti has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.467.
The majority religion of Djibouti is Islam, Djibouti is considered to be a developing nation. The developmental stage of a nation is determined by a number of factors including, but not limited to, economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. Click on a link to read more on demographics of Djibouti.
Culture of Djibouti
People in Djibouti speak the French, and Arabic languages. According to data on inbound tourists in Djibouti, 63,000 tourists arrive in the country each year. One of the most popular national dishes of Djibouti is maraq. To read more click on culture of Djibouti.
Geography of Djibouti
Djibouti is considered to be a large nation because of its total area. Its total land area is 23,200 km² (approx. 8,958 mi²). Djibouti is located in Africa. Its capital city is Djibouti. Djibouti has 3 neighbouring countries. Its neighbours include Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia. Total length of land borders of Djibouti is 528 kilometers (~204 miles).
The highest point of Djibouti is Mousa Ali, with its official height being 2028 m (6,654 ft). Including land mass and EEZ, the total area of Djibouti is approximately 30,659 km² (~11,837 mi²). The most notable natural resources found in Djibouti are geothermal power, gold, clay, granite, limestone, marble, salt, diatomite, gypsum, pumice, petroleum.To read more click on geography of Djibouti.
Economy of Djibouti
The currency of the country is Djiboutian franc. The symbol used for this currency is Fr, and it is abbreviated as DJF. 5.8% of population in the country are unemployed. The total number of unemployed people in Djibouti is 56,342. Each year, Djibouti exports around $0.09 billion and imports roughly $0.59 billion. The Gini Index of the country is 40.9. Djibouti has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.467.The Global Peace Index (GPI) for Djibouti is 2.113. Djibouti has a government debt of 3.3% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as assessed in 2013. Djibouti is considered to be a developing nation. The developmental stage of a nation is determined by a number of factors including, but not limited to, economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. Major industries in the country are construction, agricultural processing, shipping.
The total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) assessed as Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in Djibouti is $2,876 billion. Each year, consumers spend around $636 million. The ratio of consumer spending to GDP in Djibouti is 0%, and the ratio of consumer spending to the world consumer market is 0.0019. The corporate tax in Djibouti is set at 25%. VAT in Djibouti is 10%, and it is known as Sales Tax. In 2013, Djibouti received 146.5 million USD in foreign aid.In 2014, the foreign aid amounted to 141.7 USD.To read more click on economy of Djibouti.
Infrastructure of Djibouti
Infrastructure quality in Djibouti is rated to be at 2. It indicates a mediocre quality - roads, railroad, ports and other facilities are able to handle somewhat significant traffic, but not enough to ensure smooth transit at all times.
In Djibouti, 53.3% of the population has access to electricity. There are 215 internet hosts in Djibouti. Djibouti has 13 airports nationwide.
The logistics performance index of Djibouti is 2.15. It indicates a mediocre performance - shipping procedures are relatively unreliable, timeliness and safety of transferred goods are often a problem, although such a system may function relatively well if traffic is no too dense.
Tracking possibilities for shipments are rated at 2. It indicates a mediocre performance - the tracking systems provide some degree of information which usually includes the most necessary topics, such as the current location of a shipment, the dates of arrival and departure and the status of a shipment; still, more detailed information about the status and multi-language accessibility options are usually lacking.
The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Djibouti is 163. To read more click on infrastructure of Djibouti.
Politics of Djibouti
Djibouti, is a single-party semi-presidential republic. With regard to political and civil freedoms, Djibouti is 3. Citizens in Djibouti experience little to no civil liberties and political rights. Citizens are not free to express themselves and do not enjoy political freedom or a representative government. Countries with this political situation are dangerous for investment, as an authoritarian government may have outsize control over economic matters. The head of the government is Ismaïl Omar Guelleh.
According to the World Bank Group, the government effectiveness index of Djibouti is -0.97. This indicates that the government of Djibouti is ineffective. Public and civil services are severely handicapped, leading to potential for social and political upheaval.In Djibouti, the legislative power is vested in a National Assembly. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for Djibouti is 2.113. The strength of legal rights index for Djibouti is 1. Overall, it is considered to be rather weak - bankruptcy and collateral laws are unable to protect the rights of borrowers and lenders in case of credit-related complications; credit information, if any at all, is scarce and hardly accessible. In 2013, Djibouti received 146.5 million USD in foreign aid. In 2014, the foreign aid amounted to 141.7 USD. Djibouti is a member of the United Nations (UN). On 20 September 1977, it joined the UN as a full member state. Djibouti is a member of the African Union (AU). On 27 June 1977, it joined the AU as a full member state. Djibouti is a member of the World Bank. To read more click on politics of Djibouti.
Environment of Djibouti
Djibouti emits 0.6 metric tons per capita of CO2. 60 km² of Djibouti's territory is covered in forests. and forest land comprises 0% of all the land in the country. The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Djibouti is 163. To read more click on environment of Djibouti.
Company formation in Djibouti
The development of telecommunications and economic globalization has made it possible for interested investors to form companies around the world. With proper research, financial investments, and legal backing, business ventures can safely be established in Djibouti.
When establishing a company in Djibouti, an interested investor must do due diligence with regard to legal processes, international regulations, and sufficient investment for success. It is critical to understand cultural, social, and political factors of Djibouti that will affect the establishment and growth of one's business. Contact us or click on company formation in Djibouti to read additional information when setting up a business.
Bank account opening in Djibouti
With the right paperwork and initial outlay, it is possible for a foreign citizen to open a bank account in Djibouti. This opportunity for international accounts and investments offers several advantages based on economic regulations and tax structures. Interest rates and fees vary depending on your interests.
When considering opening a bank account in Djibouti, one must enlist the help of international experts to guide them through the process. To find out more about our banking services click on bank account in Djibouti or contact us.